Tuesday 25 April 2017


On March 2017, most of us must be aware about “WOMEN MARCH IN KL” which is creates diverse of opinions and critics. A group of about 30 activists marched in the heart of Kuala Lumpur to demand for women to be treated fairly or can be called as Feminist.

The definition of feminism is evolved through the years. One hundred years ago feminism was linked with the women’s suffrage movement and the right for women to vote. In the 1960s feminism become about the women’s liberation movement, a fight for equality with men in the workplace and at home, and reproductive rights. But to sum it up, feminist is “the belief that man and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes”.

With the widespread of today technology, people are getting more information about feminist, their organisation and movement. In the digital age, feminists have taken to social media platforms to give their voices a larger audience. According to Holmgren, founder of the Dead Feminists Society of Minnesota claims that the best thing that’s hap­pened to the women’s movement in this country is the opportunity for young women to find their voices and use them, especially in social media. Another example has shown that the Internet is the best platform for the organization to spread the information is when Emma Watson (Hermione Granger” in the “Harry Potter, hehe) as the the ambassador for UN women campaign known as “HeforShe” revealed that she use Facebook and Twitter to spread the message. Using the hashtag #HeForShe, the organization was able to reach people around the world. Other than social media platform, there few organizations create their website and blog to spread and share about feminist.  I have come across with 3 sites which is International and also Local who’s actively discussing about women issue and promoting the feminist.


AWAM is an independent feminist organisation in Malaysia committed to ending gender-based violence and upholding equality and rights for all.  They are non-profit organisation and being established since 1988. Based on feminist principle, AWAM is passionate to securing women’s rights, bringing about gender equality, building capacities for women’s empowerment and social transformation and supporting women in crisis

AWAM activity and programs are not only limited to women, everyone are welcome to participate in their project. Among the project that being handle by the AWAM is AWAM’S white ribbon run, feminist camp and also, forum such as Malaysia: the women of dream and White Ribbon. For anyone who interested to join their organisation, may apply it through their official website: http://www.awam.org.my/. They also offer a place for an internship and volunteerism. 

2.     2.  Association Of Women For Action And Research (AWARE)

AWARE is Singapore’s leading gender equality advocacy group. AWARE is dedicated to removing gender-based barriers. AWARE believes in the rights of women and men to make informed and responsible choices about their lives and to have equal opportunities in education, marriage and employment, and in the right of women to control their own bodies, particularly with regard to sexual and reproductive rights.
 Since its formation in 1985, AWARE primarily has carried out research and discuss into numerous issues affecting women, including workplace sexual harassment, poverty of older women and Singapore’s compliance with UN anti-gender discrimination standards. AWARE are more focus for women as their target audience but both genders are welcomed to be part of their team or become a donor.

3.       3.Angry Malay Woman – A Malaysian feminist blog.

This site is handling by Alicia Izharudin, a Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. She earned her PhD in Gender Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London in 2014 where she spent a great deal of time buried in research on the gender politics of Islamic cinema in Indonesia. In her blog, she mostly discuss about women and religion. Without specifically focus on her target group, Alicia seems to more care about women when most of the post from her blog discuss about how woman should be treated and the rights that supposedly belong to woman.

These 3 blog mostly deal with dissent and disagreement both from user and guests by providing an judgement how women should really be treated and by giving cases relating to women around the world that suffer from this inequality. They also conduct various of activity to get involved with the community.

In conclusion, with the existence of technology has make information in the tip of finger. You can access about almost everything (religion, gender, ethnicity and etc).  And without you noticing it, the information that you receive from the Internet has shape your identity. 

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