Sunday 26 February 2017

Globalization & New Media

           In this 21
st century, we wake up and we look around, we will always find a gadget within every turn. I bet there is even high possibility that everyone will at least reach for their mobile phones as a way to start the morning stretch. You who are reading this with the help of Internet to access the virtual world, reading it from a screen, or maybe print it out and read it when it is inked onto a paper, are actually the consumer of technology in which may involves few devices to get here: Internet. Printer. Computer. Handphone.

          That is the easiest example to show how advanced the world we are living in right now. Advanced technology. First, comes the involvement of media in which it is a medium to communicate, to convey information. Then comes the “new media”. What is new media? New media refers to the means of interactive mass communication in which its content are most commonly shared on the Internet, accessible by the use of a digital device.

A basic distinction of OLD MEDIA & NEW MEDIA is as follows:

One-way communication
Two-way communication & interactive
Traditional newspapers, books, television, radio broadcasting.
Online newspapers, blogs, social media, live video conferencing.

           The access to the internet gives us the ability to connect to the global society. We are constantly communicating now than we would in the last decade. Some people never even log out from their social media accounts anymore. People hang around with their phones almost all the time.

Marshall McLuhan presented a concept of “global village” in the mid-1960s where he predicted that there will be the next medium of “an extension of consciousness”. Physical distance is clearly an obstacle for people to socialize, but not with the existence of Internet. The Internet allows social spheres to be expanded and makes people throughout the whole world become closer following interactions between the social participants. This interactive communication happens to show a distinctive difference from the traditional media in which we no longer knows the sender and the receiver. This is because it is not permanent and therefore, both the statuses of the sender and the receiver will keep on exchanging as long as it is ongoing. I guess there are no more obstacles for me to contact my friends from the Philippines, for an example. Lots of social media websites are made and if I was thinking of them, I could always tweet them on Twitter, write something on their wall on Facebook, DM them in Instagram or Skype or send live chats. I can even view their profile to get updates on how their life has been, just to fulfill the phrase of “keeping in touch”.

However, globalization may bring the tides onto journalism. Prior to Internet’s arrival, online journalism, blogs, comments from netizens has changed the profession. This is because there is a huge increase in numbers of news sources coming from individuals that represent the alternatives to journalism. Accurate and truthful reporting and investigative reporting may still be on the table, but the overall impact of new media has made the directions and quality of journalism unclear. Not to mention, different news sources make different conclusions. This then creates confusion and the message will not be delivered perfectly.
But then again, the various news sources provides an in-depth look into the message and additional knowledge as a sum of different news. This is because I believed mainstream media is one-sided. Therefore, the need to look towards different perspectives is very important in digging the whole story or to convince us that it was right all along. This new media also enhance interactive discussion where the questions that bother anyone regarding the topic can be shared and discussed to find a convincing answer.

Cultural imperialism has become an issue in communication. According to Mirza Jan (2009), who wrote Globalization of Media: Key Issues and Dimensions, cultural imperialism is defined as a kind of cultural domination by powerful nations over weaker nations. It refers to the unequal flow between civilizations by favoring the more powerful civilization. It could exist in a form of films, music, information, and news. Mirza Jan states that these unbalanced flows bother many nations. At first, it was only seen as a cause of cultural erosion and change. So many products and cultural influences of the United States flow into foreign countries that the traditionalists are afraid that American ideas, images, and values will replace their own. Thus, the term “Americanization of media” and “Westernization” were created. For an example, fast food is viewed as a representation of America’s marketing dominance. Franchises such as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), McDonald’s, Star Bucks, Burger King and Pizza Hut have a lot of outlets all over the world. Although it looks like it is just some normal international business, the traditionalists think the opposite. Somehow in the long-term, we might end up having younger generations listing out all the foreign brands and not the local ones in a way of saying that the identity of our nation will be forgotten.

             I guess that is what I had in mind about Globalization and New Media for now, however it wasn’t all there is. There are a lot more examples regarding this topic which I hope people will swallow the 3 points I had written and processed it within your imagination to reach for your own interpretation of how both the globalization and the new media affected your life environment. The global media has affected the whole world or even shaping this century into a new world. Somehow I hope this review widens our understanding of the globalization and new media in the surface.


  1. I agree with your statement about the globalization and about the world without boundaries. Somehow,with the emergence of Internet have help people to connect people all around the world. Not to mention about the negative side of this world wide access, internet has bring good effect in people life.

    1. Good short comments you gave, I am now opening my eyes to the positive effects on new media the most. Thank you, Mr. Luqman!

  2. Good point and good sharing! I do agree with your opinion in regards to this issue especially regarding journalism issue. Without the existence of the new media, some people said " everyone can write, and everyone can be a journalist" which is I not sure to what extent how true this statement can be. With the emerge of the new media, more "keyboards warrior" appear, writing down certain issue or commenting about latest situation. There is pro and cons for the existence of so called "keyboard warriors". The pro is people are able to read more opinion and have a grasp on other people perspective thus create better understanding. The con is having people talking and writing down about something that they do not expert will make situation more worse and most of the keyboard warriors they are tend to be influence by emotion. That my opinion in regards to this issue, thanks. - Tuan Ilham Fahima

    1. Have some mistyping over there I guess. " With the existences of the new media......" this is what I really mean. sorry!

    2. However, I always think that freedom of speech should also be applicable in this context. I mean, people own those media accounts so I guess it is okay for them to do whatever they want with their account as long as they do not assault one another.
      For me, "Keyboard warrior" is a term that a lot of people use to describe those who involve in cyber bullying and (pardon me) speaking trash politics. But still, those comments belong to them if it is their own opinion and thoughts since we can't just shut people out.

    3. I cannot said that I disagree with you. You have a good point over there ms. Shikin! But, in the other hand I always believe that there is limit for freedom. Just because we have opinion about something, doesn't mean we have to post it in our social networking & condemn other people respective. Something are better to be keep only to our self, instead of posting it in social media and express it to people. But then again, it just my opinion over this:)

    4. omg, what is wrong with me. I mean perspective not respective!

  3. I strongly agree with the points you gave. I mean, its very obvious nowadays that the trending got the most attention as people put the media first. Its no longer a shocking fact that media is actually the one who controls human. People are so obsessed to participate in "what's new" so that they will not left behind and that makes them forget certain things which requires their logic and thinking. Does the media do more harm than good? I dont know. To some, yes it helps. But maybe its harming in the future. Just like Albert Einstein saying, "I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." I couldnt agree more on the statement. Its obvious, dont you think?

    Yours truly,
    Amy Syahirah Sazali

    1. Well, it takes time to evolve. HAHAHAHA. Whatever the reason there is, I still think that it was a good thing that the new media exists and going for global. It makes the distance seems closer yet we are able to finally "travel" the whole world and "communicate". The decision we do next is what we could define if it is good or bad. And that is in OUR OWN HANDS.

      Just my 2 cents.
      -Nur Ashikin Louis

    2. You got the point! It is within ourself. The act to choose is not the machine's job. We choose what is "good" or "bad" to us. So, different people have different perspectives. That's what makes it harder to control. Overall, I do think the new media is for human goods. :)

  4. Im personally do agree with all those points stated above. currently, internet is the most important medium for all over the globe to communicate with people whenever and wherever they are. obviously, the use of internet nowadays can be seen the emergences of smartphone users with variety of social medias such as facebook, twitter, instagram and other social medias mentioned above. the globalization of technology causing the emerge of new medias and also it expanded the social interaction globally without boundries. it means that we are able to access the internet with the highest capasity and limitness. The issue of virals or sharing the new current trending issues actually cannot be control with the existence of new media like internet itself because all users cannot be prevented to used that particular social medias because they claim those social medias are their needs and satisfaction. however,the government intervention is good to monitor this technology to be "social illness" among youths and kids if there is no monitoring form parents and responsible people.

  5. @Mfakrul Izuddin, I don't get the government intervention and social illness.. But if we are talking about the media control, well I guess we could directly address it to the company. Although one have its own rights to create and design their media account, this doesn't mean there will be no alternative to stop them from what is considered wrong. Also, it doesn't mean that the new media is above the law. The new media really did bring a huge impact but it is still vulnerable of defeat and punishment. For an example, there are websites which cannot be surfed or banned. Even the videos in Youtube gets banned a lot if the company recognise the improper content of the video.
    In addition, there are a lot of lawsuit cases involving the media companies:

    1) Facebook loses USD500 million Oculus lawsuit case.,d.dGc

    2)Twitter Sued By Families Of Terrorism Victims For "Providing Services To ISIS",d.dGc

    -Nur Ashikin Louis

  6. Hi friends.

    Globalisation and new media are very wide. From the comments I've read, it seems that everyone has opinions from different perspective and I quite enjoys all those information.

    In my opinion, new media is very challenging as new culture going on in our life style. Almost everything uses latest technology in order for today's generation to communicate.

    Since this new media brings us forward, the new media also bring the past (history) closer to us. Internet is like a bigger books where everyone can access our (his)story. More space for debates or even arguments to be opened up. Generation today can simply go back to the past by watching videos from YouTube or websites. Any movements from the government or NGOs to reach out youngsters, encouraging them to learn our ancestors culture or way of living, can be done easily. Connect to the internet then it can take you the past and future.

    Atiqah Ruslim

  7. I do agree with Loqman Hakim as he stated that internet do help people to connect with each other around the world. But, as a reminder we should still be careful as there are still many negative effects that can totally become a drawback towards the user itself. Somehow, we can't avoid the globalization that is happening right now and the word "World without boundaries" seems a little dangerous for me because people might not know what will come after them in the future. Just for a reminder, not everything can be posted on social media and we should keep a little secret to ourselves.

    Farah Nadia

  8. I do agree with your opinion about mainstream media is one sided. Therefore, the existence of new media can improve the society in term of knowledge, freedom of expression and the quality of news that they received. The new media create the invisible journalist that write and express their thoughts and opinion about the current issues on the nation especially in politics. The new media create a platform where information can be transfer through the easiest medium such as blogs, social medias and news website.

  9. I do agree with your statement on people are communicating frequently with the new media. As there are no limits for them to use the new media, thus we can see many people are communicating with other through the new media it is either by online messenger or by other social network. Now, people are not only can communicate face-to-face but, we can communicate through new media.
