Thursday 2 March 2017

Globalization and New Media 2

The definition of globalization can be used to state that globalization is not a uniform process but it contains various context and has the different effect for different people. On the other hand, we can see that globalization has the tendency towards the synchronization, homogeneity, integration, unity and universal.

As the globalization of media has a big impact on the media sector, it also has the impact towards:

1)Cultural diversity
2)Economic aspects
3)Technological aspects

Cultural Diversity

 The media has become the main transmitter of culture. Where we can see that globalization has made new media become well known to the people and it has larger audiences and make the distribution of culture become broader. For example, we can see that Korean culture are now well known to the K-pop fans.

Economic Aspect

 As for economics aspect, globalization engage in various aspects like foreign transaction, investment and the diffusion of technology.

Technological aspects

 The rapid change in the globalization give impact to the technological changes. The use of new media in everyday life has made the interactivity among people become the fastest interaction.


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  2. I do agree with the author. yes, the globalization gives a huge impact towards cultural diversity, economics and technological aspects. besides, the new media also enable us to communicate to people from around the world with no boundaries. but, there is disadvantages of the new media. i personally think that the new media existence makes the people to less talking because they communicate using interactive communication media. which effect the human communication skills. in my opinion, human can have a good communication skills if they are involve in face-to-face conversation or interaction.

    1. Opposite to your disagreements, I do think that the new media is created to ease the communication. By that means, it is for people to communicate from far and not to text someone that is currently sitting next to us. It is us who use it wrongly. Just my opinion :)

    2. Hey guys..

      Yes it is true. I agree with Miss Amy because the new media do gave us enjoyment in our daily life and it can improve the relationship between people.

      Miss Alyani stated that the new media makes people less talking to each other because they are just staring at their phone but I think that it is because they do not know how to control themselves until they are being addicted with their gadget. It is still not too late to improve ourselves :)

  3. Yes it's true that globalization of the media has an impact on cultural diversity. It is then our opportunity to spread our culture to the foreign countries, making it possible to be known all around the world and provides a better identification of our culture existence.

    1. Nice, Ms. Shikin. I do think the combination of global and new media can help any means to be fulfilled.

  4. About the disadvantages, i do agree with the comment about people become less talking with people, but actually,everything should be back to the person itself. The emergence of new media is actually to help people to become more interactive and socially person. We can say that this new media is just a part of medium for people to be more social and interactive with each other. What do you say?

    1. If we are the good thinkers, we will definitely become the "boss" of our new media instead of having it to control us. Therefore, it is within us to evaluate the pros and cons of the globalisation of new media.

    2. I am totally agree with Loqman Hakim..Nice thought :)

  5. Great points! Globalisation helps new media to evolve. Basically, everything is on our finger nowadays. The emergence of fast and easy technology helps us to become more civilised than before. Besides, what else do we need other than to develop? Developing oneself, family, country or even the world for the better.

  6. based on the points above i do agree that globalization affect the people to be as universal community. Globalization engages in our economic development since the world war two making those aspects of economic revolutionization. Back then, our technology also improve due to the rapid change and widen our social interaction via the emergences of new media making our communication expanded all over the globe. However, the big impact of globalization also give huge negative impact to all users because our traditional communication via face to face communication already abolished due to the new patterns of communications styles. Thus, people or community tends to be more antisocial and do more online activities rather than the significant face to face communication.

    1. At some points, I agree with you. Online has better interaction than meeting in person. But overall, it is, again, us to evaluate the use of nowadays technology. It is by our act to determine the right and wrong of upgrading our life in relation to the development of technology now.

    2. That is why from what i wrote before, it is all depends to that person again. I do believe this new media do nothing wrong,and actually it doesnt bring any diasadvantage to people. It just that,human itself create the disadvantages and put that blame on existence of ne media/technology. Yasss, isnt?

    3. human interactions via internet give less perspective towards old communication patterns. it is true that human or people themselves do evaluate the significance of the communication thru the revolution of technology. i do believe that some people do right things by using media for the good sites, improve their ability and IT skills in the workplaces and however some people take these advantages and misused the sophistication of technology nowadays for their own sake.

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  8. Yup.I do agree with you.

    People do take advantage of the technology.

    Technology helps people in devolopment and it has its own positive impacts towards various sector such as business, education, culture , food, tourism and more.

    Besides, because of the advancement of technology, the information widely spread in a short period of time.

    I really hope that people will use it wise in the future.

  9. Indeed, new media has probably taken over the world thus cause globalization in terms of 3 things that mention above. The most glaring evidence that we can see through the developing of this technology is exchange of information between different countries. Nowadays you do not have to travel to Middle East to have a clear picture what Camel could look like. All you have to do typing in search engine and pap, there is Camel! And also, the Internet has become a platform for people to make new friends around the globe via social networking - Tuan Ilham Fahima

    1. But, we have to bear in minds that not everyone could join the global community. Countries in developing world are not able to take advantage of the Internet as the same way as develop countries. Thus create unfair equal access to the Internet and in result lack of information transmitting to developing countries and decrease their global activity and slow down their economic.

  10. To be part of globalisation is quite scary tbh. It is like the world once rotated slowly and now spinning like crazy. Everything is moving so fast and like it or not, we cannot be ignorance of what's happening around the world.

  11. We can see that globalization gives huge impact toward the 3 main sector that mention above which are culture, economy and technological aspect. Globalization that been mention are not only involve younger generation who always use the new media, but it also involve the older generation.

    From the culture sector, through new media and globalization, one who do not know other culture can know about it and foreign culture are spread in the fastest way like what the author said.

    Other than that, I agree with what Tuan Ilham Fahima said that not everyone can be part of the globalization easily, because there are certain region that are not well developed like other country.

    But whether we like it or not, globalization has it's own pros and cons in it.
