Thursday 30 March 2017

Internet Usage

The internet generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers. Internet or also known as "Net" first started being developed in the late 1960's and transmitted its first message on Friday, October 29, 1969. 

According to Internet Live Stats, as of August 12, 2016 there was an estimated 3,432,809,100 Internet users worldwide. The number of Internet users represents nearly 40 percent of the world's population. The largest number of Internet users by country is China, followed by the United States and India.

Usage of the internet has increase from time to time. People use the Internet to get a quick access and communicate with others through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Skype. The internet also serves as a source of entertainment for people due to the relative ease at which one can download music and stream videos online. 

We carried out a survey to study the Internet usage in daily life. There are 100 respondents that took part in this survey. Most of them are the undergraduates students. A majority (57%) of them use the World Wide Web browser (WWW) every 6 hours per day. 85% of respondents primarily use the Internet foe education and work purposes. The survey is divided into five categories of Internet usage which are Online News/ Information, Education/Work Purposes, Online Shopping, Social Networking and Games and Entertainment. 

74% respondents chose to use the internet to inquire online news and information daily. The type of news that they read the most is the local-related news (34%). Instead of that, the other source that the respondents will use to find the information besides Internet is by going to the library (31%). Sometimes, people are more convenient to use the Internet to seek for the daily information because by using their mobile phone or any other devices, they will get everything they need with one click. 

Based on the research for education and work purposes, 79% of respondents use the Internet daily and 89% preferred online source to find their assignment materials. Besides, they are more comfortable to search the information online (58%) than brainstorming among friends. This research is acceptable because by using the Internet, the students can get all the information accurately and they can use less time to finish their assignments.

Next, in this research, a majority of 42% respondents use less that 2 hours to shop online in a day. Most of them chose Lazada as their shopping website (64.8%) but somehow, most of the respondents still prefer to do an outdoor shopping instead of online shopping (70.1%). In my opinion, the reason why they choose outdoor shopping because it is easier for them to look at the quality of the items that they are going to buy. 

In social networking, the respondents (49%) spend more than 5 hours in a day to use the Internet. From all the types of social networks that we listed in the form, 36.4% respondents used Instagram more often in their daily life. Nowadays, the technologies have already control our mind and our life too. As we can see from the survey, the respondents are tend and like to use the social networking application named WhatsApp as a way for them to do the discussion. By using the application above, they can easily connect to each other no matter where they are because everybody will receive the same information.

Other than that, 41% use the Internet for games and entertainment for less that 2 hours in a day. Although the Internet has become a disease that no one could avoid from it but somehow, 59 out of 100 respondents still prefer to hanging out with friends and family rather than play games or enjoy entertainment. Besides that, only 17% respondents are willing to sacrifice their sleep or delay doing chores in order to play more games and watch movies. Last but not least, 55 out of 100 respondents disagree that they would feel incomplete and lonely if they could not play games or enjoy entertainment.

As a conclusion, it is true that Internet has become a need in our daily life because it can make our life easier. But somehow, we cannot really depends on the Internet itself. There are still some people who could live without Internet and continue their life happily. The choice is in your hand whether to rely on the Internet or not. 

Please drop your comments below if you are agree or disagree with my opinion.
Thank you and have a nice day :)

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