Tuesday 28 March 2017

Mobile Media & Everyday Life

Nowadays, people depend on mobile media in their everyday life. They go online just to socializing with friends at their personal social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The mobile phone or smartphone with high technology built in specifications enable us to use different types of media such a mobile music, mobile videos and more. 
The mobile media depends on the mobile specifications and connectivity. The latest mobile phone usually enables us to use high technology media such as video calling to friends and family inside or outside the country. Besides, a mobile phone is the combination of radio with a telephone. In the United States of America, the police used a phone to communicate within in particular area (walkie-talkie).

Do you know, the first people who invent the first mobile phone in this world are Martin Cooper? He is an American.

Until the 1980s, the official mobile phone was created. In the 80s, only the rich people and businessman have the mobile phone. This is because the price of the phone is too expensive and other ordinary people did not afford to have it. 

Here is the evolution of 1G to the 4G mobile phone.

Motorola DynaTAC 8000Xm is the first analog telephone. They labeled is ‘The Brick’. During 1983, it is marketed to the world. It is the first analog telephone. It is invented by Martin Cooper from the US. 

These 2G phone conversations were digitally encrypted. It is created to call other people within in a country. It is more efficient to use as a communication device. The power usage allows for smaller batteries. It also stated a text message that usually called SMS.

It is invented in the early 2000s. It is made of optical fibers. This mobile phone is faster in term of speed and data capacity. It also provides more services such as digital photographs, MP3, Multimedia Text Messages (MMS).
There is also 3G mobile phone that used QWERTY keypad and it is very popular during this time. The famous phone brand that has QWERTY keyboard is 'Blackberry'.

The 4G phone is more develop whereby it becomes quicker and easy to access wireless internet.  The 4G mobile phone user also enjoys stream video from the websites such as YouTube, Yahoo, and Google. 

In conclusion, the evolution of mobile phone will change and become more advance. It is being debated that mobile phone creator developing the features of it based on what people needs in everyday life. So, what do you think about it? Is it necessary for them to keep on upgrading software, apps and phone connectivity for us?   in your opinion, if you are one of the mobile phone creators in the future, what features that you want to make it and why?

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