Monday 20 March 2017


In the most recent decade news coverage has entered a phase in which news associations are less hesitant to put resources into online operations. Can online news replace traditional media? Or online news can actually complement it? What do you think?


There is good and bad everywhere in all aspect of life, not excluding the online news. Media bias; politically-speaking, lack of sensitivity, discrimination and many more are the examples of bad practices in online news. Those are happening because of the press freedom as well as the freedom of speech in online operations. Apart from that, the online news gives us no cost, unlike the traditional newspaper. There are also various factors of having online news such as the ability to give comments and opinions, continuous updates, different viewpoints as well as more of news choice. Of course, there are plenty of reasons and that’s what makes online news preferable, don’t you think?

News blog and online news are all news located in different medium and perspective. Based on the sites of news blog and online news that I have observed, the online readers are mostly free to comment or give an opinion on the topic discussed. They may sometimes be emotional and bizarre but most of the commentators are brave enough to give their very own stand, whether it is against the topic or vice versa. To the online counterpart from printed newspaper, most of the comments will be selected based on what is appropriate and so. They will mostly pick comments that give the very best description about the news topic discussed and somehow, it happens to be biased.  

I would highly recommend the Malaysian nations to read and absorb news from The Star; whether The Star Online or The Star newspaper. Of course, everyone has their own reason for choosing any particular news media but from my perspective, The Star can be categorized as the most un-bias news media. Other than that, is one of my favourite news blog (put aside the political part). The blog is run by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir and personally, I like the content of the blog as he gives most of the things to be considered in life. Mind to share your preference?

Whatever we choose to live with, we can think of the pros and cons. It's on us to decide which to be considered as good and bad. Think wise :)

Nice day ahead, everyone!

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