Monday 8 May 2017

Internet Globalization and Youth Generation

There's a lot of question to be ask on the effect of Internet globalization among the youth on behavior change.

The Internet really do effect the youth's behavior. Nowadays, the youth spend most of their time surfing the Internet through their gadgets. It is so easy because they can find anything that they want using their fingertips. 

The changes of behavior can be seen so drastically on their appearance, the way they talk, the way they show themselves in public. It is all depending on the effect of the Internet. 

What is so surprise to see most of the kids these days age 11- 17 years old dress up like an adult? At the young age they already know how to do make up and trying so hard to look beautiful on the social media. This is because, everyday they see many examples from the internet and yet forced them to be one of the famous one on the new media. 

The Internet affect the youth no matter girls or boys because each of them have their own behavior that they get from the Internet. They are overly exposed with all the updated thingy and that is the reason why they want to be updated too. 

For me, it is not necessary to follow the trend that occurs among the youth. They should actually act like their real age and not changing themselves and force to be like an adult because they want to look good. Be yourself and be confident. :D 

In my opinion, the youth are competing among themselves to see whether who are the most well-known youth's in the country. So they need to always look good on the social media to get many followers and being famous. Are you one of the instafamous? : )  

Life is full with unexpected events.

Life is full with unexpected events.  
Have we ever thought that our life can change in a split of second. If beforehand we are a person who can be claimed as unknown to the world but with the power of technology and social media our title can change. How so?

As what have been discussed before, Foucault believed that individual is shaped through the communication that occur between oneself to others. He said that, our identity is not something that fixed and stay the same through out our life, it change and still in ongoing process. Where this identity that he said can change due to new technologies such as blogs, internet explorer, social networking sites and smartphone.

So based on Foucault theory, we can relate it with our life now where people use social media as a place to make something unknown to be known. That is where social media celebrity are born. Where we can say that they are not a person who contribute a lot to the world but they still can be famous. This is by the video they post or information that they shared that makes them known. Some of the information are true and some of them are not. But basically, the information that they shared are attracting many people to view and read it. Thus makes it become viral and trending.

For example if in the Twitter, the more information that you post have more retweet and like the chances of you become known are higher. The more people view your video the same things happen where the chance of become a famous is higher. In recent cases where a video posted in Instagram have been viewed by thousand of people where a girl known as Coco talks with Malay-English slang become viral and now she became one of the online celebrities.

The power of social media where it attract people with viral and trending is still can’t be explained. People are likely to share the information that they think it is interesting. So, does new technology is good or a bad thing?

Socialites and social media


The advancement of technology in the new media makes the society always connected to the social media. The social media is the best online platform to socialize with others. Sometimes, the Malaysian society uses social media is to communicate with others, promote business and services. Besides, social media used to give information and political ideology.

The social media provides the platform for the society to socialize, engaging within their community. By using social media, the society will keeps on updating their new living trends, information and ideology.

Virtual Community- Characteristics

Before this, the Malaysian culture used to have a small group or organization in every place just to socialize with each other in reality. Nowadays, the society prefers to socialize in the social media. The virtual community is created due to the lack of traditional culture in their daily social life.
The characteristics of virtual culture are:
  • -          Lack of physical proximity- they feel the lack of physical attachment to their family member, friends or the society within their place.

  • -          They are based on shared interests rather than shared location - the person prefers to socialize with the virtual community that shared the same interest.
  • -       They have weak family and friends bonding - the person who has weak family and friends bonding will tend to look out for their virtual community or online friends to interact in daily life.  

The virtual communities let the person who has the same opinion and religious view to discussion and share their thought. They also have their own culture so that they can adapt each other communication style.

New media and changes in sociality
Due to the modernization lifestyle, the new media platform brings huge changes to our daily life. The advantages of the new media that bring changes in our social such the information on current issue spreads faster than we can imagine. As an example, the news about the road accident happens within the community. The communities use new media to give information on the current news so that they aware of what happens in the society.

Besides that, the advancement of technology makes the software in the website becoming more reliable, creative and easy. The new media such as website allows a user to enhance their creative ideas to give information, promote and spreading new interactive learning software. As an example, the Canva website that provides software to create posters and more. The website enables a user to learn how to make things faster by providing guidelines on making a poster.  



I loved watching vlogs. It happens to be my favourite-kinda-movie. It's addicted. I wonder how it happens?

Cupcake Aisyah.

A name that I bet most of us knew.
If you don't know her, go and check her youtube channel.

She is a youtuber or you call it a vlogger, that catches my attention. Not because of her wealth, but because of herself. She will always be herself no matter in real life, or in the youtube videos. To be honest, I don't even know why I attracted to her vlog so much. But I do know one thing; she is a girl with the quote of "Hidup Kena Chill" - don't sweat the small thing. Believe me, it strikes me. To think that we are supposed to enjoy every bit of our life and make things simpler, I adore this girl. Other than that, I'd vlogged since I was 12. Not realising that I have talent in it, I kept it to myself. Maybe I should post it someday. What do you guys think? He he.

Oh! She won this;

Great right. I dont even think that this platform; youtube, would be a great one to make name or carrier. Maybe I thought wrong. So, I would love to look up your opinions on this girl and maybe some suggestions for me to do vlog? Have a nice day, everyone!

Milk The Pigeon

Today we are going to talk about something slightly different than technology. Today, we are going to talk about life, and living it.

Have you ever thought that your life was meaningless? Do you ever feel “lost” and does not know what to do with your life? Or that everything you do is pointless? Everything that can go wrong, did go wrong for you? Recently, I have come across a blog that can “answers” those questions for you for I am in a similar situation as well.

Milk The Pigeon, created by blogger Alexander Heyne, is perhaps what you need. Milk The Pigeon is for all those lost souls out there looking for a purpose in life. Heyne created the blog because he knew exactly how it feels. He admitted that he was not happy with his life, even when he has a good job with good pay. Still, he felt that life was unfulfilling. He sought to change it for the better. He truly believed that “the purpose of life is to live out your own meaningful story, and the only way you can achieve that is by carefully, deliberately crafting it. It would not happen on its own”. The receptions from his audiences were great, with each post gained dozens of responses, some posted questions looking for advice and others continuing the discussion, but it can be seen that everyone had gone through (or are living it) similar situations.

The most interesting about this blog is Heyne updated it almost regularly. He continually updates new contents and new topics to be discussed every now and then. Milk The Pigeon was born in 2011 and still remains active to this day. The topics includes advices to life-coaching, and Heyne relates it all with his own anecdotes. Further, he also includes extra content such as pictures or videos from YouTube, or links to other websites that he thinks can be very helpful in making his point. And the last but not the least, Heyne’s language style is very convenient to read through. This is also adds to fact that he did not cramps up the whole paragraph just to make his argument. You can see that Heyne carefully construct his words as well that the structures of the page (of the blog) which includes images and YouTube videos as I have mentioned earlier.

On the other hand, though I have stated that Heyne’s style of language can be convenient, however he also include some vulgar words in his writings. Even if it is not as often, it still can be a bother, if not offensive, to some of his audience.

I think this can be a good thing for those who finds that their life is in the slumps, or even to some who wanted to improve their life. Those that visits Milk The Pigeon can expect a warm welcome from the community and Heyne himself. I hope that the blog remains active for the future generations seeking help.
Live life boldly.


We all know Youtube. Youtube is a place where you can watch any kind videos that you want. You can subscribe it, so that you can get the notification from that channel. One of my favorite channel that i subscribe is PewDiePie. Basically PewDiePie or his real name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg are from Sweden, make a video about gaming review or challenges, like Try not to laugh challenge and so on. He is Swedish gamer, vlogger, comedian and the correct terms is, Youtube Celebrity who records his gameplay and his face reaction through the webcam. He has 440,000+ subscribers during his first channel. And now, he has 54million subscribers. He started become famous in 2012 when he uploaded his dark humor videos and his reaction when playing horror games. In 2013, he became The Most Subscribed Youtube Channel of All Time. He has gained a lot of subscribers along the time.

There is a lot of feedback that can get from this channel. If we look at the comment section, some people support him, some people hate him for some reasons. Because of the content of the videos that not suitable for children, have violation on the scene,sometimes, using of harsh/cursing words. 

You can see that his fan support him the haters.

We can see that, actually from my personal view, his videos doesnt bring any pros to society. Because of what, the content of the videos is really not that suitable for everybody. His videos contain a lot of harsh word, such as F word and other cursing word. He get millions of subscribers just because he is funny. He using Youtube as his medium for his videos channel because he knows in Youtube he can get more people to watch his videos compared to Facebook and Twitter.


I cannot say what he can impact the communication on current society and future society. A lot from his videos, he shows review about other channel that are disagree with him, and he started to condemn them. What can i say is that, maybe for current society, the communication will become more vulgar and and quite bad, because the usage of harsh word. Personally, i love his videos just because his a funny guy, and a lot of his videos are so funny , but just because of the language that he use, make it look like not suitable for all people, and not a good role model.