Monday 8 May 2017

Socialites and social media


The advancement of technology in the new media makes the society always connected to the social media. The social media is the best online platform to socialize with others. Sometimes, the Malaysian society uses social media is to communicate with others, promote business and services. Besides, social media used to give information and political ideology.

The social media provides the platform for the society to socialize, engaging within their community. By using social media, the society will keeps on updating their new living trends, information and ideology.

Virtual Community- Characteristics

Before this, the Malaysian culture used to have a small group or organization in every place just to socialize with each other in reality. Nowadays, the society prefers to socialize in the social media. The virtual community is created due to the lack of traditional culture in their daily social life.
The characteristics of virtual culture are:
  • -          Lack of physical proximity- they feel the lack of physical attachment to their family member, friends or the society within their place.

  • -          They are based on shared interests rather than shared location - the person prefers to socialize with the virtual community that shared the same interest.
  • -       They have weak family and friends bonding - the person who has weak family and friends bonding will tend to look out for their virtual community or online friends to interact in daily life.  

The virtual communities let the person who has the same opinion and religious view to discussion and share their thought. They also have their own culture so that they can adapt each other communication style.

New media and changes in sociality
Due to the modernization lifestyle, the new media platform brings huge changes to our daily life. The advantages of the new media that bring changes in our social such the information on current issue spreads faster than we can imagine. As an example, the news about the road accident happens within the community. The communities use new media to give information on the current news so that they aware of what happens in the society.

Besides that, the advancement of technology makes the software in the website becoming more reliable, creative and easy. The new media such as website allows a user to enhance their creative ideas to give information, promote and spreading new interactive learning software. As an example, the Canva website that provides software to create posters and more. The website enables a user to learn how to make things faster by providing guidelines on making a poster.  


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